• Ganesh Man Singh Park Lamatar , Lalitpur, Nepal

  • 24 Hours

Arthritis Management Program


Arthritis is the disease of joints in which we get pain, swelling, stiffness, difficulty in movement. Different medicines like pain killers, steroids, anti-rheumatic drugs, etc. are being used for the treatment of arthritis. They might have multiple side effects. The arthritis of mild and moderate severity can be well managed by physical therapy, Ayurveda therapies & herbal therapies with the least side effects, and with the best healing.

Activities /Highlights

  • Daily doctor consultation
  • Arthritis related blood checkup- before & after of program
  • Daily physiotherapy & electrotherapy sessions
  • Daily acupuncture therapy
  • Daily monitoring of health parameters
  • Daily Ayurveda therapies- localized oil-based treatment, sand bolus steam, localized herbal bolus healing therapies under the supervision of doctors
  • Daily arthritis specific yoga- asana, pranayama, meditation, and yoga Nidra
  • Yoga & Ayurveda detox 2-3 times/week under the supervision of doctors
  • Music, singing bowl sessions,& expressive art therapies daily
  • Tuning into nature
  • Herbal drinks
  • Classes on arthritis and its lifestyle management by doctors
  • Personalized disease management plan at discharge
  • Games & recreation
  • Healthy vegetarian diet & ashram based accommodation


  • Helps to reverse  and manage arthritis naturally
  • Reduces pain, stiffness & swelling
  • Improves range of motion
  • Reduces the dependence and side effects of medicines
  • Improves the quality of life
  • Strengthens muscles and joints

Duration:  2 weeks