Headache is one of the most common diseases. Most of the cause includes our faulty lifestyle. We can manage it by adopting the yoga & Ayurveda-based lifestyle modification & treatment.
Activities /Highlights
- Daily doctor consultation & vital monitoring
- Daily acupuncture therapy
- Daily Ayurveda therapies- Shirodhara, herbal massage, and steam under the supervision of doctors
- Daily headache specific yoga- asana, pranayama, meditation, and yoga Nidra
- Yoga & Ayurveda detox under the supervision of doctors
- Music, singing bowl sessions,& expressive art therapies daily
- Tuning into nature & hiking
- Herbal drinks & medicine
- Classes on headache and their lifestyle management by doctors
- Personalized disease management plan at discharge
- Games & recreation
- Stress reduction & relaxation practices
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapies
- Healthy vegetarian diet & ashram based accommodation
- Helps to manage the headache naturally
- Reduces pain
- Reduces the dependence and side effects of medicines
- Improves the quality of life
Duration: 1-2 weeks